Presentations and
Other Publications
Reducing the potential to spread aquatic invasive species via the seaplane pathway and Advancements in Call Before You Haul - Presentation to the Western Regional Panel (October)
Endangered Species Act manuals for dreissenid rapid response in the western basins - Presentation to the Western Regional Panel (October)
A risk analysis to assess the potential to spread aquatic invasive species via the seaplane pathway: recommendations to enhance U.S. AIS-seaplane prevention efforts - Presentation to the 100th Meridian CRB (June)
Strategies and next steps to reduce the interstate transport of AIS-infested watercraft - Presentation to the 100th Meridian CRB (June)
Preparing for Columbia River Basin Dreissenid Eradication and Control - Presentation to the 100th Meridian CRB (June)
A risk analysis to assess the potential to spread aquatic invasive species via the seaplane pathway: recommendations to enhance U.S. aquatic invasive species-seaplane prevention efforts - Co-presentation to the National Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force (January)
Development of an action plan to address aquatic invasive species in commerce - Co-presentation to the National Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force (January)
Aquatic Invasive Species in Commerce - A presentation to the National Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force (July)
Call Before You Haul - A presentation to the Columbia River Basin 100th Meridian Team (June)
Aquatic Invasive Species in Commerce Summit (March)
Presentation to Newport City Council Water Committee: A Water Action Plan for the Mid-Coast of Oregon (February)
National Invasive Species Awareness Week - Call Before You Haul
Context is Everything - Protecting one of Alaska's Key Assets from Invasive Species (Alaska Invasive Species Partnership)
Alaska Invasive Species Partnership Annual Meeting - Keynote Presentation
Local Government Aquatic Invasive Species Toolkit - presentation to Columbia River Basin Team (December)
Columbia River Basin 100th Meridian Team meeting presentations:
CRB Rapid Response Plan Revision
Endangered Species Act Compliance for Dreissenid Mussel Response in the Columbia River Basin States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana - Manual Status
Status of vulnerability assessments in the CRB
Status of WID Station Planning in the CRB
Toft, J.D., S.H. Munsch, J.R. Cordell, K. Siitari, V.C. Hare, B.M. Holycross, L.A. DeBruyckere, C.M. Greene, and B.B. Hughes. 2018. Impact of Multiple Stressors on Juvenile Fish in Estuaries of the Northeast Pacific. Global Change Biology 24(5):2008-2020.
Fish Passage Advisory Committees - Bridges & Biology Conference (February)
Model Quagga/Zebra Mussel Reciprocal Certification Program for Clear Lake and Neighboring Lakes in Northern California (w/ R. Draheim, S. Showalter-Otts) (November)
Vulnerability and Habitat Suitability of Fort Peck Lake Recreation, Water, Water Supply, and Fish and Wildlife Features to Invasive Mussel Impacts (November)
Scianni, C., M. Falkner, and L. DeBruyckere. 2017. Biofouling in the U.S. Pacific States and British Columbia. Coastal Committee of the Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species. Technical Report. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.2703.69924.
Present results of statewide invasive species assessment at Montana Governor's Summit on Invasive Species
Moderate a session at the Lake Roosevelt Forum on Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Efforts in the West (November 2016)
Moderate a series of Western Aquatic Invasive Species Webinars (2016)
Overview of watercraft inspection/decontamination funding and where inspection stations are located in each state - Pacific Northwest Economic Region Annual Summit - Calgary, Alberta (July)
Ratcliff, Donnie; O'Hanley, Jesse R.; and DeBruyckere, Lisa, "Landscape Approaches: FISHPass: A Decision Support Tool for Optimizing Barrier Mitigation" (2016).International Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage. 13. https://scholarworks.umass.edu/fishpassage_conference/2016/June20/13
Dreissenid Mussel Research Priorities - webinar (May)
Enhancing the ecological function and resilience of West Coast estuaries through the creation of a prioritization scheme to guide conservation and restoration actions supporting fish habitat functions - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Portland, Oregon (January)
The Path to Strategic Investments in West Coast Estuaries - Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership - Sacramento, California - December
The Path to Strategic Investments in West Coast Estuaries - Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership - Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation - Portland Oregon - November
International, Federal, State and Provincial Regulatory Roles and Responsibilities Regarding Aquatic Marine West Coast Invasive Species - Western Regional Panel Coastal Committee - Stateline, Nevada - September
Advancing a Regional Defense Against Dreissenids and Aquatic Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest - Council of Governments West - Kalispell, Montana - August
Toft, J.D., S.H. Munsch, J.R. Cordell, K. Siitari, V.C. Hare, B. Holycross, L. DeBruyckere, and C.M. Greene. 2015. Nursery Functions of West Coast Estuaries: Data Assessment of Juveniles of 15 Focal Fish and Crustacean Species. Report to the Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership.
The Path to Strategic Investments in West Coast Estuaries: The Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership Nursery Assessment - American Fisheries Society - Portland, Oregon - August
Advancing a Regional Defense Against Dreissenids and Aquatic Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest - Pacific Northwest Economic Region - Big Sky, Montana - July
Advancing a Regional Defense Against Dreissenids and AIS in the Pacific Northwest (May)
Ratcliff, D., J. O'Hanley, and L. DeBruyckere. 2015. Landscape Approaches: FISHPass: A Decision Support Tool for Optimizing Barrier Mitigation. Presentation at International Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage.
Informing Estuary Resource Protection and Restoration Efforts Along the West Cost - Restore America's Estuaries Conference, Washington, DC - November
Advancing Estuary Restoration, Awareness and Science Through the Coastal Fish Habitat Partnerships - Moderator - Restore America's Estuaries Conference, Washington, DC - November
The Silent Invasion Campaign: Reduce the Impacts of Invasive Species in Oregon - NY Invasive Species Advisory Committee March 2013
USFWS Regional Information Management Strategy - Portland, Oregon - June 2013
"Firewood Buddy Smartphone App: A Collaborative Project to Raise Awareness About the Movement of Invasive Species Via Firewood." - Continental Dialogue Meeting - Sacramento, California - November
"The Oregon Invasive Species Council: Protecting Oregon From Invasive Species" - 2012 Asian Gypsy Moth Review Meeting - October
"Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership" - National Fish Habitat Board - Big Cedar Lodge, Missouri - October
"Pacific NorthWest Regional Invasive Species Outreach Campaigns: Successes and Lessons Learned" - Pacific NorthWest Economic Region - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - July
"Proactive Invasive Species Prevention and Management: State and Regional Collaboration" - Strategic Management of Invasive Species in the Northwest US Workshop - Portland, Oregon - May
"The Pacific Northwest . . . Things Look Different Here" - National Invasive Species Council Advisory Committee - Portland, Oregon - May
"Moving the Needle with the Three C's: Communication, Collaboration, and Coordination" - Plenary Speaker at American Fisheries Society/British Columbia Fisheries - May
"The Oregon Invasive Species Council - Protecting Oregon From Invasive Species" - Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting - Portland, Oregon - April
"Problem-Solving Through Collaboration: Case Studies Using Art, Logic, and Negotiation" - American Fisheries Society - Eugene, Oregon - March
"The Economics and Messaging of Invasive Species" - Pulling it Together Conference - Portland, Oregon - February
"The Oregon Invasive Species Council" - Central Oregon Pest Management Meeting - Redmond, Oregon - February
The West Coast Governors Agreement on Ocean Health - Role in Implementing Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (Presentation at the Science of Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning Workshop at Oregon State University) (November)
"Tri-state Firewood Outreach Campaign" - Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Big Sky, Montana - July
"Pacific Northwest Firewood Outreach Campaign for Preventing the Spread of Forest Pests" - Pacific Northwest Economic Region Summit - Portland, Oregon - July
"Tri-state Firewood Outreach Campaign" - National Invasive Species Awareness Week - Washington, DC - May
"City of Portland Terrestrial and Aquatic Invasive Animal Assessment" - City staff - Portland, Oregon - February
"Statewide Management Assessment of Invasive Species in Oregon" - Oregon State Weed Board - Salem, Oregon -February
"City of Portland Terrestrial and Aquatic Invasive Animal Assessment" - Urban Ecology Research Symposium - Portland, Oregon - January
Hopmere Grower Meeting - Salem, Oregon - December
"Practical Applications of Wildlife Management on Working Forests" - Moderator - Eugene, Oregon - December
"Oregon Invasive Species Council" - Oregon Society of Weed Science - Hood River, Oregon - October
"Oregon Invasive Species Council" - Oregon Vegetation Management Association - Seaside, Oregon - October
Western States Canadian Standardization Conference - Western states and Canadian staff - Salem, Oregon - October
"Achieving Landscape Permeability in an Urban Environment: Wildlife Crossing Guidelines and Considerations" - Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference - Gleneden Beach, Oregon - February
"The Oregon Invasive Species Council" - Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board - Eugene, Oregon
"The Silent Invasion" - British Columbia Invasive Plant Council - Vancouver, British Columbia - January
The Oregon Invasive Species Council - An Update - Interagency Noxious Weed Symposium - Corvallis, Oregon
Rick Evans Grandview Prairie Conservation Education Center Master Plan - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Other Publications
Effectively Engaging Stakeholders in Forest Policy Issues
Oregon Department of Forestry "Forests for Oregon" article
Oregon Department of Forestry - Greatest Permanent Value
Journal of Forestry article on Changing Paradigms
Is My Forest Well-Managed? A Checklist for Sustainability (2008)
Forest Ownership and Management - What's Your Style? (2009)
Challis Hot Springs Article - Western RV News and Recreation
Western Forester June 2009 issue on Gypsy Moths and the Public
Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest Article - Escapees Magazine 2009
SevenSeas article on marine reserves (March 2016)
Nature at Your Doorstep - Missouri Conservationist (1994)
A Nature Center in Mid-Missouri - Missouri Conservationist (1993)
DeBruyckere, L.A., and J.E. Garr. 1991. Managing people and wildlife on urban wildlife areas. Pages 171-174 in Wildlife Conservation in Metropolitan Environments. National Institute for Urban Wildlife, Columbia, MD.